Japanese Name: Tenou Haruka
Japanese Spelling: 天王はるか
Japanese Name in the US: Haruka Tenou
US Name: Amara Tenou (Given by CWI)
Birthday: January 27th
Astrological Sign: Aquarius
Grade: 1st year student
High School: Mugen Gakuen High School
Favorite Subject: PE
Least Favorite Subject: Modern History
Blood Type: B
Hobbies: Driving
Favorite Food: Salad
Least Favorite Food: Natto (Fermented soybeans)
Favorite Sport: Car Racing
Favorite Colors: Gold
Special Traits: Strong and courageous
Strong Points: Racing
Dislikes: Making confessions of love. Popular men.
Dream: To be the top racing driver in the world
Sailor Power: Wind and Sky
Quick Fact:
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