Name: Rini
Birthday: June 30th
Age: "Real age is 902 years old" (Stars Volume 2)
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Birthstone: Moonstone
School: Tenth Elementary School, Crossroad Elementary (Volume 9)
Grade: 2nd (Volume 8)
Favorite Subject: Drawing
Least Favorite Subject: Grammar
Blood Type: O
Hobbies: Collecting Bunny's things
Favorite Food: Pudding
Least Favorite Food: Carrots
Favorite Colors: Red and pink
Special Traits: Begging
Dislikes: Staying home alone
Dream: To become an adult
Quick Fact:
Transforming Item |
Transformation |
Weapon |
Attacks |
Moon Scepter |
Transformation Broach |
Moon Crisis Make Up |
Pink Moon Crystal |
Pink Crystal Moon Power Make Up |
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