Welcome Visitor
Welcome to the ultimate Sailor Moon Site. This site includes character information (scouts, random characters, enemies, and movie characters), all transformations (animated and in order), all attacks (animated and in order), a large image gallery, episode list (English, Japanese, and Manga), quizzes and more. I hope this site helps you understand Sailor Moon a little better or for those of you who are Sailor Moon lovers, enjoy looking around and picking up things to add to your collection. Please sign my guestbook and let me know how I'm doing. Enjoy!
Last updated: May 1, 2008
May 1, 2008:A few more images have been added to the image gallery with many more images to come!
March 27, 2008:After one year of issues with domain registration and further between hosting companies, I am proud to announce Lunar Palace is back online!
May 20, 2006:I do apologize for the guestbook being down, I am currently in the middle of swiching to another hosting company. But when the transfer is complete, the guestbook will be up and running again. I know I told everyone that I would try to have the site completely finished by the end of March, but some things are taking longer than expected, the image gallery for instance. There are A LOT of images, and I am trying to make it as good as I can, so I do appoligize for the delay. As for the forums and things of that nature, I would also like to wait until the hosting transfer is complete so I am not running into "Page Not Found Errors". Thanks for your patients!
March 21, 2006:I hope everyone will continue to be patient. I am trying my best to get this up and running as soon as possible. I have so many ideas and plans for the new site! It has been dorment for many years and while there have been a few different versions of the site, it pretty much just sat there, no updates, no visitors, no awards, etc. I have a lot of work to do and I hope it will be complete by the end of the month.
March 3, 2006:This site has gone under a complete reconstruction. A new name, look, layout, and new awards. The site was previously known as "Sailor Scouts Shrine" and has been around since 1999. Up until a little while ago, I decided that the site should have a complete make over. I hope you enjoy!
February 16, 2004:This site was once again redone the project began in February of 1999 and continues to undergo many updates and layout changes. The latest transformation began on February 16, 2004.